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The old national standard faucet is still popular in the market

On December 1, 2014, the new national standardCeramic Sheet Sealing Faucet” (gb18145-2014) was officially released and implemented, which included the precipitation of heavy metals in the faucet as mandatory provisions. Now that the new national standard has been implemented for half a year, are the faucets on the market up to the standard? Yesterday, the reporter visited some brand sanitary and hardware stores in the city and found that a large number of old national standard products are still on sale.

Visit: Old national standard faucets can be seen everywhere

On June 30, the reporter visited and found that a large number of old national standard products were still on sale in the market, and many salespersons did not know much about the new national standard.

At a bathroom hardware sales store in Jindongshan Building Materials Market, when the reporter asked what kind of faucet is safer to buy, the owner of the store recommended a 360 yuan stainless steel faucet. The reporter checked the outer packaging and found that the product still implements the old national standard GB18145-2003. When the reporter asked, isn’t the 2014 new national standard now implemented? The shop owner said that the 2003 standard is now implemented, y “the new national standard is not clear.

The reporter then came to Ouyada Home Furnishing and found that some brands of kitchen and bathroom products knew more about the new national standard. Kohler brand sales staff told reporters that after the implementation of the new standard, the company issued a notice to market the new green standard kitchen faucet. The reporter saw the new listing date on July 21, 2014 (the new national standard was released on May 6, 2014). In Anhua Sanitary Ware, a salesperson in the store told reporters that “faucets made by some big brands are made of copper, which is relatively safer”.

Citizen: I don’t know that the tap has anew national standard

On June 30, the reporter interviewed ten citizens, but no one knew the new national standard and said, “Does the faucet need to be replaced?”

Citizen Ms. Wang lives in a family of people’s livelihoods. She said that she only knew that water purification devices could be installed in her home, but she had never heard of new national standards for faucets. And she just helped her parents renovate a house. When buying kitchen and bathroom equipment, she didn’t listen to the shopping guide introducing the new national standard faucet.

Sr. Chen, who often works as aplumberat home, said that he had never heard of a similar new standard faucet, and when he went to buy a faucet on weekdays, he never heard the owner introduce the new national standard faucet.

Suggestion: pay attention to the implementation standards on the packaging

The new national standard has been implemented for nearly half a year. Why are there so many old national standard products on the market? Ti' le sentido, the reporter asked the relevant person in charge of Yichang City Quality Supervision Bureau.

The person in charge surnamed Liu said that so many old standard products are now on sale, mainly because some businesses may be lucky. According to the country’s existing laws and regulations, there is no clear definition that after the new standard is introduced, the old standard will be invalidated on its own. This has led to some embarrassment at present, with the coexistence of new and old products.

He suggested that when consumers buy related products, in addition to looking at the brand, they should also pay attention to whether the accessories are complete and the quality of the accessories. In wéet k'iin, you can ask the merchant to show the outer packaging box of the faucet. Look at the information column on the box. If the implementation standard is GB18145-2014, it can be determined that it is a new national standard faucet.

Interpretation: New national standard products are safer

Ceramic Sheet Sealing Faucet” (GB18145-2014) was released on May 6, 2014 and officially implemented on December 1, 2014.

For consumers, the key significance of the new national standard ** is the amount of heavy metal precipitation. The new national standard for faucets has increased the precipitation limits of 17 metal pollutants such as lead, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and copper, and the precipitation limits are equivalent to the US standard, which is calledhistorical ** “Strict faucet national standardshave changed the situation where heavy metal pollution in faucets has no standard to be followed, and is beneficial to protecting the personal health of consumers. This indicator was not involved in the old national standard.



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