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TheFinalRulingPassedUnanimously,TheUnitedStatesOnChinaBathroomCabinets,CabinetsImposedMoreThan250%Anti-DumpingCountervailingDuties|Fabricante de torneira VIGA


The Final Ruling Passed Unanimously, The United States On China Bathroom Cabinets, Cabinets Imposed More Than 250% Anti-Dumping Countervailing Duties

Kitchen And Bathroom Industry Mainstream Media Kitchen And Bathroom Information

On March 25, 2020, the USITC, the United States International Trade Commission, announced its final ruling by a unanimous vote of 5:0. Its results show that anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties will be imposed on bathroom cabinets and cupboards imported from China. The announcement showed that the U.S. industry suffered a significant injury due to imports of wooden cabinets from China. The U.S. Department of Commerce determined that manufacturers of Chinese products received illegal government subsidies and sold them at below fair market prices in the United States. According to U.S. media reports, the vote will also allow the tariffs to go into effect in the first week of April. The anti-dumping duties amount to a maximum of 262.18 percent. The countervailing duties amount to a maximum of 293.45 percent.

The U.S. Department of Commerce will issue an anti-dumping order against wooden cabinets and bathroom cabinets from China after receiving official notice of the ITC’s final determination of industrial injury.

The Final Ruling Passed Unanimously, The United States On China Bathroom Cabinets, Cabinets Imposed More Than 250% Anti-Dumping Countervailing Duties - Blog - 1

Em fevereiro 24, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the final duty rates for anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on wooden cabinets and bathroom cabinets from China: anti-dumping duties of up to 262.18% and cash deposit rates of 251.64%. The maximum countervailing duty is 293.45%.

The Final Ruling Passed Unanimously, The United States On China Bathroom Cabinets, Cabinets Imposed More Than 250% Anti-Dumping Countervailing Duties - Blog - 2

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce on China’s wooden cabinets and bathroom cabinets products anti-dumping final ruling tariff rate results: Jiangsu Hongjia Wood Industry Co., Ltda, Dalian Mason Woodworking Co., Ltda, Rizhao Fu Kai Wood Industry Co., Ltd are mandatory respondent enterprises, the final anti-dumping tariff rate is 4.37%, 262.18%, 101.46%, cash deposit rate is 0%, 251.64%, 90.92% respectivamente. The final anti-dumping duty rate of enterprises qualified for individual duty rate is 48.5% and the cash deposit rate is 37.96%. The final anti-dumping duty rate for Chinese enterprises not qualified for individual duty rate is 262.18%, and the cash deposit rate is 251.64%.

Countervailing Duty


Final anti-dumping duty

Cash Deposit Rate

Jiangsu Hongjia Wood Industry Co.4.37%0%
Dalian Mason Wood Co.262.18%251.64%
Fukay Global Co.101.46%90.92%
Separate tariff rate qualified enterprises48.5%37.96%
Chinese enterprises not qualified for individual tax rate262.18%251.64%

According to the United States of America on China’s wooden cabinets and bathroom cabinets products countervailing final tariff rate results: Jiangsu Hongjia Wood Industry Co, Ltda, Dalian Mason Woodworking Co, Ltda, Rizhao Fu Kai Wood Industry Co, Ltda, Província de Henan, Aidijia Furniture Co, Ltda, Dewei International Trade Co, Ltd as mandatory respondent enterprises, the final anti-dumping tariff rate of 13.33%, 18.27%, 31.18%, 293.45%, 293.45% 293.45%, other enterprises countervailing final duty rate of 20.93%.

Countervailing Duty

EnterpriseCountervailing Duty
Jiangsu Hongjia Wood Industry Co.13.33%
Dalian Mason Wood Industry Co.18.27%
Rizhao Fukai Wood Industry Co.31.18%
Henan Province Adijia Furniture Co.293.45%
Dewey International Trade Co.293.45%
Other enterprises20.93%

The U.S. International Trade Commission will make a final injury determination on April 6 to determine whether U.S. manufacturers were harmed by the imported Chinese products.


Event Review

On March 6, 2019, the American Kitchen Cabinet Alliance (AKCA) filed a complaint requesting that the federal Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) open a dual anti-investigation against the above-mentioned imports from China. It argued that manufacturers of Chinese products receive illegal government subsidies and are unfairly priced to constitute dumping in the U.S. market, causing between $2 billion and $4 billion in damages to similar manufacturing industries in the United States.

On March 27, 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the initiation of an anti-dumping and countervailing investigation into Chinese imports of wood cabinets and bathroom cabinets to determine whether the aforementioned products were dumped into the U.S. market.

Em agosto 6, 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce preliminarily determined and announced that countervailing duties were imposed on imports of $4.4 bilhão (approximately RMB 31 bilhão) worth of Chinese cabinets at a rate of up to 229.24%. NÓS. Customs and Border Protection was required to collect cash deposits from Chinese importers of wood cabinets and dressers based on the determined subsidy rate.

In early October 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the preliminary findings of an anti-dumping investigation into cabinetry and bathroom cabinetry products from China.

The American Cabinet Alliance claims that from January 2016 to January 2018, NÓS. imports of wooden cabinets and bathroom cabinets from China increased by 19.9 percent, with the amount of cabinet and bathroom cabinet products imported from China accounting for 50 percent of total imports. The low-cost sales of Chinese cabinets resulted in a loss of $116 million to the U.S. cabinet industry between 2016 e 2018. This is one of the largest trade cases filed by the United States against China in history.



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