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QualityInspectionsInTheSanitaryWareIndustryContinue,TheCountryIsReallySeriousAboutQualityProblems|VIGAFaucet Gyártó

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Quality inspections in the sanitary ware industry continue, the country is really serious about quality problems

Since the first half of this year, quality inspections in the sanitary ware industry have been turbulent. What causes such incidents to happen frequently? Except for companies’ unself-discipline, and consumers’ lack of correct understanding of sanitary products, that is, the state’s insufficient supervision and punishment of untrustworthy companies Up. The circulation of sanitary products of substandard quality in the market will not only cause hidden dangers to consumerspersonal safety, but also affect the healthy development of the entire industry. Nowadays, the country is really serious about product quality issues. Do you dare to lose faith in sanitary ware companies?

Tavaly, Premier Li Keqiang emphasized at the first China Quality Conference that we must firmly grasp thebull noseof quality integrity and speed up the establishment of ablacklistsystem for quality untrustworthiness. Recently, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued the “Guiding Opinions of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on Strengthening the Management of Serious Quality Untrustworthy Enterprises” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”), which clearly explained the behavior of serious quality untrustworthy enterprises and the management of the list of untrustworthy enterprises. It is worth noting that theOpinionsstated that the product quality does not meet the national mandatory standards, or does not meet the standard level of enterprise self-declaration and commitment, and there are major quality and safety risks. Enterprises with serious circumstances will be included in the list of severe quality untrustworthy enterprises.

TheOpinionspointed out that the current lack of quality credit is still a prominentsoft underbellyin my country’s quality development. The manufacture and sale of counterfeit products are not uncommon, and the majority of enterprises and the public have suffered greatly. For the definition of serious quality untrustworthy behaviors of enterprises, theOpinionspoint out three scopes: product quality does not meet the national mandatory standards, or does not meet the standard level of enterprise self-declaration and commitment, there are major quality and safety risks, and the circumstances are serious; the enterprise does not Have the production conditions to ensure product quality and safety, have major management hidden dangers, and fail to obtain the relevant licenses according to law, or the obtained licenses have been revoked; concealed, falsely reported, or delayed non-reporting after a major product quality and safety incident occurred; or found it There are hidden safety hazards in the products produced, which may cause damage to human health and life safety, failure to publish relevant information to the society, failure to perform voluntary recall obligations, and the circumstances are serious.

At present, for the sanitary ware industry, the biggest test is that the product quality does not meet the national mandatory standards, or does not meet the standard level of the company’s self-declaration and commitment, there are major quality and safety hazards, and serious behavior. Sanitary products are durable products. Many companies have used the shelf life as a gimmick and have carried out excessive publicity. The person in charge of a sanitary ware company said: “Now some companies promise that the shelf life of sanitary products is 7, 8 évek, or even 10 évek. After hearing this, foreign customers feel that It’s very ridiculous. The product material has a life limit, which cannot be overstated.

Ezen kívül, the sanitary ware industry is often exposed to product quality that does not meet national mandatory standards. Take the faucet as an example. In July 2013, after a number of sanitary ware brands were exposed to a serious quality incident involving excessive lead content in faucets, the AQSIQ began to implement the newly revisedCeramic Sheet Sealed Fauceton December 1, 2014 (GB18145- 2014) Mandatory national standards, as mandatory clauses for heavy metal precipitation, sealing performance, flow rate, and life of the faucet. Among them, the heavy metal precipitation section specifies strict limit values ​​for the precipitation of 17 heavy metals. The new standard has been implemented for more than half a year, but the quality of the tap does not meet the national standard products already exist. In June alone, two faucet quality problems were found. On June 10, Beijing found that the faucets produced by 17 companies had quality problems; on June 26, the Zhejiang Bureau of Quality Supervision found that 4 batches of products were unqualified, including Heavy metals in 2 batches of tap products exceeded the standard.

Regarding the list of severe quality untrustworthy enterprises, theOpinionspointed out that in addition to publicizing it to the society, it also requires the establishment of a joint punishment mechanism by government departments, increasing the frequency of random inspections of severe quality untrustworthy enterprises, and ordering regular reports on quality management and issuing quality credit reports. , Implement key supervision. Industry insiders said that this year the country first introduced random inspection measures, and now it has introduced a list of companies with serious quality untrustworthiness, indicating that the country has begun to take real action on product quality problems.



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