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OEM ModernMatteBlackBathroomFaucetAtLowCost

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Swivelling Matte Black Modern Bathroom Faucet

Tall Long Spout Reach Bathroom Faucet From one detail to the next, this modern bathroom Viga Faucet is going to be a sight to see. While simple and sweet, this bathroom faucet focuses on all of the details that your customers are going to be looking for. Firstly, it’s quality-made with brass at its core and finished in a rich and modern matte black that you don’t often find without a high price tag. Потім, there’s the subtle overall appeal that swoops the faucet over the basin and relaxes the eye. This is mimicked by the easy up and down lever to adjust the temperature as well as water flow. This faucet also features a modern must-have for those with

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Tall Long Spout Reach Bathroom Faucet

From one detail to the next, this modern bathroom Viga Faucet is going to be a sight to see. While simple and sweet, this bathroom faucet focuses on all of the details that your customers are going to be looking for. Firstly, it’s quality-made with brass at its core and finished in a rich and modern matte black that you don’t often find without a high price tag. Потім, there’s the subtle overall appeal that swoops the faucet over the basin and relaxes the eye. This is mimicked by the easy up and down lever to adjust the temperature as well as water flow.

This faucet also features a modern must-have for those with busy lives — a swivel in its base that allows for easy water movement anywhere you need it in the bathroom basin. Sophisticated and professional, this is a great design for the next renovation project you have in mind for the customer that really does want everything in one sleek, appealing matte column.

  • Professional and high fashion matte black Viga faucet
  • Designed to fit easily into a high end bathroom with other sophisticated touches
  • Single lever for easy and practical use in a modern space

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