3 Holes G1/2 Bathroom Tap with Embedded Box Cuir FiosMion-fhiosrachadh toraidhTagaichean:Chrome Plated Embedded Box Sink FaucetHot Cold Water 3 Holes Basin TapWall Mounted Basin Faucets with Embedded BoxRoinn:FacebookTwitterLinkedInWhatsAppRoimhe seo: Black Wall Mounted Embedded Box Mixer TapAir adhart: Chrome Plated Concealed Sinks and FaucetsBathar teth Faucet measgachadh cidsin malairteach air a chuir air balla le spout fada Faucet lìonaidh pot teth is fuar VIGA FAUCET, Measgadair cidsin, Chrome air a phlugadh Rinser glainne stàladh DIY sìmplidh Faucet cidsin aon làimhseachadh VIGA le pìoban spraeraidh silicone, Measgadair cidsin tarraing a-mach umha, Chrome agus dubh Faucet bidet taigh-beag, Spray seòmar-ionnlaid Measgadair basan 3-tuill air a chuir suas le deic, Dà mheasgaiche bas-làimhe, 8-Faucet seòmar-ionnlaid òirleach, PVD