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Intelligent Toilet Core Technology Trend Analysis: Simplify The Complexity Of TheCore Package

In the first half of 2021, the scale of intelligent toilet seat packages in the real estate finishing market was 334,000 sets, up 41.4% year-on-year. Its matching rate was 27%, Jump'éel aumento ti' 10.2 percentage points compared to the same period last year. The growth momentum of smart toilets in the Chinese market is still considerable.

However, many industry insiders said at the Shanghai Kitchen & Bathroom Show that they were somewhat disappointed with the smart toilets displayed by major brands this year, with serious product homogenization and few innovative products. After years of rapid development, consumption tends to be rational. Product development also tends to be rational, no longer the pursuit of flashy features, and back to improving product quality.

Intelligent Toilet Core Technology Trend Analysis: Simplify The Complexity Of The


As professional and technical personnel, the author observed that the intelligent toilet industry is taking place in three dimensions of change, respectively, the toilet market share competition is intense, product quality improvement, technology precipitation and breakthrough. Market expansion and competition are not the author’s expertise. I will not describe too much today, but only talk about smart toilets quality improvement, technology precipitation and breakthrough.

# Intelligent Toilets Enter Homogenisation, Imperative To Improve Quality

In business competition, there is serious homogenization of products, low price competition pressure, the enterprise more to improve the quality of the product. Quality improvement is not just a narrow sense of product quality improvement, but covers the product pre-sale, sale, after-sales, significantly improving the product qualification rate. Improve the product experience interaction and product knowledge interaction in product sales, reduce the after-sales maintenance rate, and improve the brand image and profit margin. Only in this way can a company maintain its long-term competitiveness.

Quality improvement is not easy! This requires companies to make changes in thinking, from the top to the middle and senior, down to the system at all points, from the consciousness upside down to start over.

Intelligent Toilet Core Technology Trend Analysis: Simplify The Complexity Of The

As the technology matures and progresses, homogenization and low price competition emerge in Chinese smart toilet products. Smart toilets have gone from digestion to localization, and smart toilet components have gone from import to customization to decentralized localization. The industry has formed a pyramid pattern of low and middle-tier enterprises, and even some enterprises have emerged to do only branding. They do not do their own research and development, but a comprehensive procurement of sexual product platform system.

Intelligent Toilet Core Technology Trend Analysis: Simplify The Complexity Of The

In the current industry context, the head smart toilet OEM enterprises, brands began to realize that to improve quality, and the implementation of platform integration to ensure the brand, corporate profits and competitiveness.

# How Does The Quality Of Smart Toilets Break Through? Trends In Complete And Modular Plants

With the steady increase in the market share of smart toilets and the growth of the industry scale, the scale of production of smart toilet complete and module factories of each enterprise is becoming more and more obvious.

Intelligent toilet R & D by the current outsourcing extended to self-purchase small-scale R & D, product development RD and quality QI. Large intelligent toilet enterprises even formed more than 100 people R & D team.

To this end, the author makes a general summary of the current industry R & D: enterprise design completely outsourced, full procurement integration brand. Some enterprises outsource technology production integration and then sales, some self-research, while others outsource the development to sales. This forms the production layer of the mainstream technology of the whole machine and module in the current industry: ODM (design studio) / ODM & OEM (head enterprise) / OEM (partial OEM factory head plus ceramics).

Intelligent Toilet Core Technology Trend Analysis: Simplify The Complexity Of The


Whatever the form, technology precipitation in its current form has become a very important layout point (patents, diseño, verification, resource integration, solving customer pain points, improving performance, and various other micro-innovations). Homogeneous functionalization should be improved to performance comfort in pursuit of experience, to identify useless features for improvement.

In view of the module development history and the current module resources qualitative source of goods dispersion, the intelligent toilet whole manufacturers are also limited to the history of fixed thinking. When you open the whole machine of the smart toilet, you can find that the whole machine of the smart toilet of each family is everywhere line and tube, distributed assembly layout.

Intelligent Toilet Core Technology Trend Analysis: Simplify The Complexity Of The

In response to the current situation, the smart toilet enterprise is unable to complete Industry 4.0 and the reasonable layout of the product. Combined with the current pain points and more than ten years of R & D experience, I believe that the core package of innovation in thinking about the overall bathroom downstream production design of weak enterprises plays a rapid role in promoting, as follows.

1、The head of the enterprise’s capacity is climbing to the bottleneck (line management tube).

2、Design integration of modular core packages and modular design of complete software programs. Adjustment of E-side parameters for different peripheral accessories becomes simple. Large factories can be platformed and small factory development can be made efficient.

3、Easy supply chain/material management/quality control, etc.

4、Control the supply cost of the whole machine factory and the diversity of the after-sales platform modules.

5、The assembly stacking of modular core packages. Corresponding after-sales maintenance and replacement can also be unit modules then quickly disassembled for low-cost replacement.

It is generally agreed within the industry that the key to iterative upgrading of intelligent toilets is in good components: standardization, modularisation and miniaturization. It would be a very happy thing if the above thinking could drive a change in corporate consciousness and drive progress in the industry. Hopefully, we can all absorb this concept and apply it in our research and development.



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