Inā he mau nīnau kāu e pili ana i kā mākou huahana, E hoʻopiha i ka palapala ma lalo a e pane mākou i nā nīnau āu. Manaʻo kōkua: Nā kahua i kaha ʻia me*koi ʻia. Embedded Box Basin Mixer, Concealed Basin Mixer, keleawe, Palena ChromeTailored to meet all your needs, our basin faucets are specially tailored,in order to suit the different demands of users. With a variety of different surface finishing materials, to create your own personality, as a fashion decoration for your bathroom. Kapa inoa: ERROR Model: 1113A0CH Design: Inoa Huahana ma'alahi: Bathroom Concealed basin faucet Cartridge: 35 ʻO ka pahu pahu pahu seramika ke ola: 5 Years Body… * Kumuhana: * Kou inoa: * ʻAno mea hoʻohana:PilikinoʻoihanaMea hoolaha * leka uila: * Kelepona: * Whatsapp:ʻāina: * Maʻiʻo: WAIWAIΔKuhihewa: ʻAʻole i loaʻa ka palapala hoʻokaʻaʻike.