ስለ ምርቶቻችን ጥያቄዎች ካሉዎት, ከዚህ በታች ያለውን ቅጽ ይሙሉ እና ለሚነሱ ጥያቄዎች መልስ እንሰጣለን. ጠቃሚ ምክሮች: ምልክት የተደረገባቸው መስኮች*ያስፈልጋሉ. Thermostatic Mixer Shower With Shelf SupplierVIGA themostactic shower column set bring you 38℃ hot water throughout showering and bathing. Push-button diverter, easy to make showering more fun. Easy Control Thermostatic Shower Column Set With Polished Shelf Brand Name: ስህተት ሞዴል: 865202CH ንድፍ: Modern Products Name: ሻወር / Bath column set Type:Themostatic Fittings:Brass hand shower,1.5m shower hose Cartridge: 35 brass/ABS Cartridge Cartridge Life Time: 5 Years… * ርዕሰ ጉዳይ: * የአንተ ስም: * የተጠቃሚ ዓይነት:ግላዊንግድአከፋፋይ * ኢ-ሜይል: * ስልክ: * WhatsApp:ሀገር: * ይዘት: አስገባΔስህተት: የእውቂያ ቅጽ አልተገኘም።.