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Hansgrohe'sFoundingFamilyIncreasesItsStakeInRealEstateAndProperty|VIGAFaucet Dèanadair


Hansgrohe’s Founding Family Increases Its Stake In Real Estate And Property

According to German media reports, Poligroh Holding GmbH & Co. KG, the real estate investment company of the Klaus Grohe family, has recently acquired two residential and commercial buildings in the Rhine-Main area of Frankfurt. This is the second real estate acquisition in the region. The company was founded in 2020 and since 2020 it has invested mainly in residential properties in the Rhine-Main region.

Hansgrohe's Founding Family Increases Its Stake In Real Estate And Property - Blog - 1

Founder: Klaus Grohe

The two related properties, built-in 1920 agus 1992, have a total area of 1,600 square meters and comprise 20 fully-rented residential units, ground floor commercial space and 13 parking spaces. One of the two properties is part of the City of Frankfurt’s family-friendly living grant scheme.

This is aimed at families who, despite having a normal income, have difficulty in finding adequate housing on the free market.

In line with the long-term investment policy of the Klaus Grohe family, the founding family of Hansgrohe, Poligroh Holding GmbH & Co. KG will invest in the modernization and upgrading of technical equipment and buildings in order to maintain and improve the quality of life of the tenants in the long term.

Philippe Grohe, Managing Director of Poligroh, says: “We prefer to acquire mature properties positioned at the mid-range from long-term family ownership. Our investments are not focused on optimizing returns, but rather on maintaining the long-term value of the property

Hansgrohe's Founding Family Increases Its Stake In Real Estate And Property - Blog - 2

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