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FromJanuaryToJune,TheMarketVolumeOfSmartToiletsForFinishingWas185,000Sets,AnIncreaseOf7.9%Year-On-Year|VIGAFaucet Dèanadair


From January To June, The Market Volume Of Smart Toilets For Finishing Was 185,000 Sets, An Increase of 7.9% Year-On-Year

Kitchen and Bath Industry Mainstream Media Kitchen and Bath News

According to the AVC August 18 release data statistics show that as of January 2020 to June, the finely fitted smart toilet separate parts of the finely fitted housing projects opened a total of 185,000 sets, compared with the same period last year, an increase of 7.9%, against the market growth. The supporting rate of its refined smart toilet parts was 17.0%, an improvement of 6.5 percentage points compared to the supporting rate share in the same period last year.

From January To June, The Market Volume Of Smart Toilets For Finishing Was 185,000 Sets, An Increase of 7.9% Year-On-Year - Blog - 1From the regional structure share, the seven regions are equipped with smart toilet products, of which the largest share of the structure is the East China region, with a share of 32.3%. Ge-tà, compared with the same period last year, the structure share fell by 4.4%, while the Northeast region (9.3%), North China (17.0%), Northwest region (9.1%) and Southwest region (14.7%) had further improvement.

In terms of regional attributes, the highest growth rate was in the Northwest region, with a year-on-year increase of 1.8 times. The main reason is that the Northwest region has a small supporting base of hardcover smart toilets in the past years (a-mhàin 6,000 sets in the same period last year), and the share is not too high. And the supporting amount of the current period, the overall growth trend, pulling high. And supporting the rate of seven regions ranked first, as high as 35.0%. San dara h-àite, the second highest growth rate is the North China region, its market share of smart toilet finishes 17.0%, a year-on-year growth rate of 86.9%, supporting the rate of 26.4%.

From January To June, The Market Volume Of Smart Toilets For Finishing Was 185,000 Sets, An Increase of 7.9% Year-On-Year - Blog - 2From the developer level of the smart toilet supporting structure of the market share of the change in the developer level of the smart toilet, top 10 developers supporting the share of the smart toilet, has increased from 59.5% in the first half of last year to 67.5% in the first half of 2020, supporting the amount of growth of 21.5% year-on-year. Barr 11-20, Barr 21-50, non-Top 50 share of the structure of the share of the top 50, due to the further improvement by the Top 10 developers supporting the amount of holding a weakened state.

In terms of city-level structure share, the new Tier 1 cities had the highest share at 37.2%. Ge-tà, compared with the share of the structure of the same period last year, the share fell by nearly 10%. Its supporting volume slipped by 14.6% compared to the same period last year. The share of second-tier cities exceeded 30% for the first time. Its supporting volume compared to the same period last year, an increase of 37.8%. The share of new first-tier cities and second-tier cities totaled 68.1%.

From January To June, The Market Volume Of Smart Toilets For Finishing Was 185,000 Sets, An Increase of 7.9% Year-On-Year - Blog - 3In terms of city-level growth, the supporting volume increased more than double year-on-year in Tier 1 cities and other cities. Among them, other cities had the highest year-on-year increase of 123.3%. The matching rate was also the highest, aig 29.1%. Tier 1 cities saw an increase of 109.9% compared to the same period last year, with a matching rate of 21.4%. The smart toilet market got a new opportunity to grow with a year-on-year increase of 7.9% in a market that declined 33.3% in the hardcover market. More companies are now seeing the future prospects of the smart toilet finishing market and have also been laying out production lines.

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