If you want to clean the electroplated surface of the copper faucet, 沸騰したお湯と洗剤を使ってこすってください, or you can directly use some strong oil and decontamination detergent for cleaning. 天秤, さび, 等. 蛇口の上に, 特殊な洗剤に浸した湿らせた布またはスポンジで表面を拭くだけです, その後、清潔な布で拭いて乾かすか、水で洗い流してください。. Although the chrome plating of the faucet claims to be corrosion-resistant and not rusty, incorrect cleaning methods can still cause the faucet to wear out abnormally. Do not wipe the surface of the faucet with a hard object such as a steel ball, because the steel ball is very hard and can easily scratch the surface of the faucet. On the whole, the neutral faucet should be used for faucet cleaning. Wiping with a soft-bristled toothbrush or toothpaste with a scouring pad can also remove scale and oil stains. 加えて, many people only notice the surface of the faucet when cleaning the faucet, but the interior of the faucet is more important. 蛇口の水の出が悪くなったり、出水フォークが下がったりした場合, バブラーのブロッカーが原因である可能性があります. バブラーは取り外し可能です, 酢に漬けたもの, 小さなブラシやその他の道具を使って掃除する, そして再インストールしました. The four main rules of the faucet: 1. Do not turn the faucet too hard, just turn it gently. 2. The metal hose of the shower head of the bathtub faucet should be kept in a natural stretch state, and do not coil it on the faucet when not in use. 3. After using it for a period of time, if you find that the water output has decreased, or even the water heater is turned off, you can gently unscrew the screen cover at the outlet of the faucet to remove impurities, and it can generally recover as usual. 4. Please invite experienced and qualified professionals to carry out construction and installation.