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Analysis Of Faucet Enterprises Will Be Located In The Consumer Young People Is Correct?

Faucet as a home life in the essential products, many companies are mainly located in the consumer population of young people, but this subjective perception in the end, right?

Compared to the elderly, young people generally accept the degree and adaptability is higher. The faucet as a home life in the essential products, many companies to the consumer group is mainly located in young people, but this subjective perception of the right? Далей, the author of the famous faucet brand will analyze you in detail.

Analysis Of Faucet Enterprises Will Be Located In The Consumer Young People Is Correct? - Blog - 1

Analysis of faucet companies to consumers located in young people is correct? (Крынічная сетка выявы)


Most Faucet Companies Target Consumers To Young People

The faucet, as an essential item in home life, has been popular among some middle and high-end consumers, having had an explosive period, but started all over again due to immature technology. In the past few years, faucet brands have also maintained a more stable growth. Especially in the traditional three pieces of growth is weak, as well as the lack of new bright spots in the market, the faucet began to emerge opportunities. And today, the faucet industry is full of brands. Numerous companies are driving the industry forward, even as some large traditional companies are entering the faucet market. Most of the faucets, will consumers are positioned among the young people.

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Faucets Should Target Consumer Groups In The Middle Class

The author believes that the faucet industry has some bias in terms of consumer level positioning. Many brand marketers feel that the faucet as a household product, will certainly be welcomed by a large number of young people, therefore, locking young people as the main consumer groups. Аднак, after years of data show that the middle class with spending power is the mainstream group to buy faucets. Because, on the one hand, young people’s financial strength is not enough. And most of the faucet price of seven or eight thousand or even more than ten thousand, belongs to the high-end products.

Пры гэтым, young people’s life and shopping habits, let them choose more traditional kitchen appliance products. Many young people through the network to obtain information, communicate with people, buy online, comments and so on. The sale of faucets not only requires the use of live demonstrations, but also to the consumer’s home to do field measurements and installation, not suitable for online sales. There are faucet market imperfections, some brands are also more difficult to complete the installation of off-site sales. Because it is difficult to let young people in the store to listen to the shopping guide to introduce products. Акрамя таго, the proportion of young people doing their own cooking is declining.

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On the one hand, middle-aged people with better incomes have the economic strength to buy high-end products. Акрамя таго, this group is basically based on second suites, or improved renovations. Long-term life experience lets them know what kind of kitchen appliances to choose. Таму, the faucet should be locked in a certain economic strength of the middle class consumer groups.

Faucet with the trend of the times was born. The main green environmental protection, is in line with the current mainstream. But I think, faucet enterprises should do more market research, to understand the current various consumer groups, considering all aspects of the situation, in order to better lock consumers.



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