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A man in Nan’an suspected of falsifying a well-known bathroom, the amount involved is nearly one million

Recent, the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Nan’an Public Security Bureau cracked a case of counterfeiting registered trademarks. The suspect Chen Moujing produced and packaged counterfeit bathroom products of well-known brands in a private house in Meiting Village, Meilin Street, Nan’an. The amount involved was more than 900,000 yuan. .

According to the police handling the case, in mid-July, they received a report saying that someone was producing counterfeit well-known brand plumbing products in Meiting Village. The Nan’an police and the industrial and commercial departments arrested the suspect Chen Moujing on the spot in a four-story house in the village, and seized a total of 12,650 plumbing products. After identification, the product is worth more than 900,000 yuan. After investigation, Chen Moujing is 30 years old and is from Fuxi Village, Meilin Street. He also rented two shops as warehouses in Fuxi Village. Currently, he is under criminal detention on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the case is under further investigation.

How to make counterfeit products? The reporter saw the counterfeit products seized by the police in the warehouse. The carton boxes were printed with brand names, trademarks and other information. The faucets and showers in the boxes were also engraved with brand trademarks. Picking up a faucet, it looks brand new, but the inside is rough. According to the police, Chen Moujing purchased semi-finished products from two companies in Nan’an for processing, and purchased cartons from a carton factory in Quanzhou to complete production and packaging.

According to the police, as of July, Nan’an police had accepted a total of 117 economic crime cases, registered 119 cases, and arrested 25 criminal suspects. Among them, 22 cases were suspected of counterfeiting and inferior products, involving commodities including plumbing, shoes and clothing, medicines, and food.



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