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Attention! 2022 These New Rules Related To The Bathroom Officially Implemented

Attention! 2022 These New Rules Related To The Bathroom Officially Implemented

Since 2022, a wave of new regulations officially launched the implementation. The manufacturers ushered in new changes in product standards, environmental regulations, business operations and other aspects. The industry continues to develop in the direction of standards, norms and environmental protection. Here’s a look at what big things are on the agenda!

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Following The Smart Toilet

Showers Must Also Add Water Efficiency Mark

National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Water Resources, the General Administration of Market Regulation jointly issued thePeople’s Republic of China to implement the water efficiency labeling product catalog (the third batch) and the implementation rules of the shower, water purifier water efficiency labeling. It is clear that since July 1, 2022, the factory shower products must be added to the water efficiency label. Products shipped or imported before July 1, 2022, can be delayed until July 1, 2023 to be added.

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Strict Trademark Management!

Refine The Provisions Of Nine Types Of Illegal Acts

The State Intellectual Property Office issued theTrademark General Illegal Judgment Standardswhich has been effective since January 1, 2022. The Standard contains 35 articles, refining nine categories of illegal acts against the order of trademark management, including:

Failure to use registered trademarks as stipulated in the existing trademark laws, regulations and departmental rules, use of marks that cannot be used as trademarks, use of the wordswell-known trademarksin commercial activities, failure of trademark licensees to In accordance with the law to indicate its name and origin of goods, the businessman changed the registered trademark, the name, address or other registered matters, the unregistered trademark will be used as a registered trademark, failure to fulfill the collective trademark and proof of trademark management obligations, failure to fulfill the trademark printing management obligations, malicious application for trademark registration, jne.

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Centralized Management Of Industrial Sewage!

The Prevention And Control Of Water Pollution In Foshan River Chung

Approved by the Thirty-seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth People’s Congress of Guangdong Province, theFoshan City River Chung Water Pollution Prevention Regulationswas officially released. The regulations have come into force since January 1, 2022.

The Regulations clearly strengthen water pollution prevention and control information technology, the implementation of the four-level river system and water environmental protection deliberations and coordination mechanism, and clearly prohibit the discharge of oil, acid, alkali or highly toxic waste liquid into the river, such as eight kinds of prohibited pollution of the river. The Regulations also emphasize that enterprises discharging industrial wastewater should take effective measures to collect and treat all wastewater generated. Industrial wastewater containing toxic and harmful water pollutants should be collected and treated separately, and not dilute the discharge. Centralized sewage treatment facilities for the discharge of industrial wastewater, should be pretreated in accordance with the relevant provisions, to meet the requirements of the centralized sewage treatment facilities treatment process before discharge. Discharge of sewage to the municipal network shall apply for a permit to discharge sewage into the drainage network in accordance with the law.

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Default On Migrant WorkersWages

Or Enter TheBlacklistOf Default

According to theInterim Measures for the Management of the List of Defaulted Migrant WorkersWages in Default of Joint Punishmentformulated by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, since January 1, 2022, employers may enter theblacklistfor defaulting on the wages of migrant workers without any reason.

TheMeasuresclarify that the employer withholds or unjustifiably defaults on the wages of migrant workers to the amount of the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration, or the illegal acts of defaulting on the wages of migrant workers have caused mass incidents or extreme incidents resulting in serious adverse social impact, and the human resources and social security administrative department ordered by law to pay the wages within a certain period of time, and the overdue payment, in accordance with the prescribed procedures, the human resources and social security administrative department shall put the employer and its legal representative and other relevant responsible persons on the joint disciplinary list for breach of trust. Disclosure and share to the same level of credit information sharing platform in accordance with the provisions.

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Timely Recovery Of Loss Of Trust!

Adjustment Of Tax Credit Evaluation And Repair

The State Administration of Taxation promulgated the Announcement on Matters Relating to Tax Credit Evaluation and Repair, making new adjustments to tax credit evaluation and repair from January 1, 2022.

The Announcement expands the scope of tax credit repair and determines five circumstances of tax credit repair for a serious breach of trust and bankruptcy reorganization enterprises; supports tax credit repair for bankruptcy reorganization enterprises; and connects with thefirst violation of impunitysystem. It is clear that since the tax credit evaluation in 2021 if the tax authorities do not impose administrative penalties on taxpayers in accordance with the relevant provisions offirst violation of impunity”, the relevant records will not be included in the tax credit evaluation.

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The Window OfPicking UpIs Closed!

Foreclosed Houses Open A Comprehensive Purchase Restriction

The Supreme People’s Court issued theProvisions on Several Issues Concerning the Qualifications of Bidders for Judicial Auction of Property by the People’s Courts”, which came into effect on January 1, 2022. According to the regulations, the people’s court organized judicial auction property activities, and the people’s court will not allow bidders who are subject to the property purchase restriction policy to apply to participate in the auction.

At the institutional level, the new regulations not only clarify that the auction announcement issued by the people’s court must contain the bidder’s qualification to purchase the property and its corresponding legal consequences, but also clarify that the buyer shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law if the buyer’s fictitious qualification to purchase the property causes the auction to be invalid.

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