KITCHEN & BATH CHINA(KBC) called CHINA OSCAR of Bathroom & Kitchen, which is the most famous for international bathroom and Kitchen products, has attracted lots of these kinds of brand products suppliers to exhibit this show. This show has including 24 exhibition halls, Bundan ko'proq 4 thousand companies such as KOHLER, TOTO, American Standard… As one of well-known brand, VIGA has taken part in this show in Shanghai on May 23d, 2012. At the exhibition, many companies think highly of water-saving and environmental friendly products, which shows these kinds of products has most potential in marketing. These kinds products of VIGA are also welcomed at exhibition, like UNA SERIES, MASA SERIES,BRANT SERIES.
2012 KBC Exhibition
- Tez yangiliklar | Kohler Germaniyaning yuqori darajadagi KLAFS brendini sotib oladi
- Tez yangiliklar | Shimoliy Amerika sanitariya asbob-uskunalari bozorining sotuv hajmi yillik o'sish sur'atiga ega 3.14%.
- Tez yangiliklar | Hindistonning keramik plitkalar va sanitariya-tesisat sanoati bozorni rivojlantirish uchun katta salohiyatga ega
- Santexnika kompaniyalarining so'nggi yangiliklari
- TOP5 brendlar reytingi 63.4%, Kohler birinchi o'rinni egalladi
- Ikkita sanitariya-tesisat kompaniyasi o'zlarining so'nggi moliyaviy hisobotlarini e'lon qildi
- Fancy cabinet and vanity brand in 2023
- Xitoy kran ishlab chiqaruvchisi: Sifat va innovatsiyalar bo'yicha qo'llanma
- The sanitary wares companies were acquired by Chinese capital in past 5 yillar.
- Roca Group acquires German high-end bathroom brand Alape