KITCHEN & BATH CHINA(KBC) called CHINA OSCAR of Bathroom & Cidsin, which is the most famous for international bathroom and Kitchen products, has attracted lots of these kinds of brand products suppliers to exhibit this show. This show has including 24 exhibition halls, Barrachd air 4 thousand companies such as KOHLER, TOTO, American Standard… As one of well-known brand, VIGA has taken part in this show in Shanghai on May 23d, 2012. At the exhibition, many companies think highly of water-saving and environmental friendly products, which shows these kinds of products has most potential in marketing. These kinds products of VIGA are also welcomed at exhibition, like UNA SERIES, MASA SERIES,BRANT SERIES.
2012 KBC Exhibition
Roimhe seo: Trapezoidal Faucet Design Patent Certificate-2009
Air adhart: 3411 Basin Faucet Design Patent Certificate-2012
- Naidheachdan luath | Bidh Kohler a’ faighinn branda àrd-ìre Gearmailteach KLAFS
- Naidheachdan luath | Tha ìre fàis bliadhnail iom-fhillte de reic ann am margaidh bathar slàintealachd Ameireagadh a-Tuath 3.14%.
- Naidheachdan luath | Tha comas leasachaidh margaidh mòr aig gnìomhachas leacag ceirmeach agus bathar slàintealachd na h-Innseachan
- Na naidheachdan as ùire mu chompanaidhean santary ware
- Fhuair suaicheantasan TOP5 sgòr 63.4%, le Kohler sa chiad àite
- Sgaoil dà chompanaidh bathar slàintealachd na h-aithisgean ionmhais as ùire aca
- Caibineat eireachdail agus suaicheantas vanity a-steach 2023
- Sìona Faucet Dèanadair: Stiùireadh airson Càileachd is Ùr-ghnàthachadh
- The sanitary wares companies were acquired by Chinese capital in past 5 bliadhnaichean.
- Roca Group acquires German high-end bathroom brand Alape